Environmental protection


The aim of environmental activity is to prevent or eliminate environmental pollution or damaging effects caused by human activity.

Environmental activities of SMARAGD-GSH Ltd. are the followings:

Települési környezetvédelmi programok kidolgozása | Read More

Magyarországon a környezetvédelem tervezési rendszerének kereteit a környezet védelmének általános szabályairól szóló 1995. évi LIII. törvény (Ktv.) teremtette meg, amely kimondja, hogy a környezetvédelmi tervezés alapja a hatévenként megújítandó, az Országgyűlés által jóváhagyott Nemzeti Környezetvédelmi Program (NKP).

A Ktv. 46. § (1) b) pontja szerint a települési önkormányzatoknak a Nemzeti Környezetvédelmi Programra alapozva és a település rendezési tervével összhangban illetékességi területükre önálló települési környezetvédelmi programot kell kidolgozniuk, amelyet a képviselő-testületnek/közgyűlésnek jóvá kell hagynia. A programot szükség szerint - de legalább kétévente – felül kell vizsgálni.

A környezet védelme, a természeti értékek megőrzése napjainkra a társadalmi-gazdasági élet meghatározó részévé vált. A társadalom jólétének, életminőségének javítása hosszú távon csak akkor biztosítható, ha a társadalmi és gazdasági fejlődés természeti örökségünk megőrzésével, természeti erőforrásaink védelmével, fenntartható használatával, a megfelelő környezeti minőség elérésével szerves egységben valósul meg.

A települési környezetvédelmi programok készítésének célja kettős: egyrészt aktívan hozzájárul az országos és regionális szinten prioritásnak tekintett környezeti problémák megoldásához, másrészt hatékony eszköz az adott település helyi problémáinak kezelésére.

Completion of environmental impact studies | Read More

Environmental impact studies include the complex investigation of the possible impacts of a new or extant activity (industrial, agricultural, services, new investments) on the natural and built environment, human health, ecological systems, groundwater, surface water, soil and air. The preparation of environmental impact studies is prescribed by the law depending on the character and the extent of the activity.

Authorities may order the preparation of environmental impact studies even in the territory of water supply protection zones if it is obligatory due to the law. In these cases the aim of the studies is the assessment of the impact of the given activity on the groundwater.

During the preparatory phase of the study a hydrogeological and environmental geological state survey is prepared that represents the state of the investigated area prior to the remediation activity. Further on the possible changes of the conditions (e.g. groundwater quality) can be detected and compared to the state during the preparatory phase.

Environmental impact studies investigate temporal and spatial distribution and changes of the potential pollutants emitted by the extant or planned object, delimitate the possible range and indicate possible effects of a given object on the ecosystems: air, soil, surface water, groundwater, flora and fauna.

Evaluation of water related projects on the grounds of Water Framework Directive Article 4.7 | Read More

The evaluation must be made on the grounds of 10. and 11. § of edict 221/2004. (VII. 21.) before the implementation of all projects that presumably endanger the realization of WFD objectives.

WFD evaluation must be made within the framework determined by 2/A. § of edict 314/2005. (XII. 25.). To examine whether a project has relevant or negligible influence on WFD objectives must be determined by the former edict. If negligible influence of a project is proven, it does not fall under the scope of WFD Article 4.7.

In summary WFD evaluation must be made for all water related projects and exemption from Article 4.2 can be applied only in reasonable cases.

Natura 2000 hatásbecslés Natura 2000 | Read More

Amennyiben a tervezett tevékenység, beruházás hatásterülete Natura 2000 területet érint és arra jelentős hatása lehet, akkor el kell készíttetni a Natura 2000 hatásbecslési dokumentációt.

A Natura 2000 területek lehatárolását, fenntartásának célját, az adott területen található közösségi jelentőségű madárfajok, állatfajok, növényfajok felsorolását az európai közösségi jelentőségű természetvédelmi rendeltetésű területekről szóló 275/2004. (X. 8.) Korm. rendelet tartalmazza.

A hatásbecslési dokumentáció tartalmi követelményeit e jogszabály 14. mellékelte határozza meg. A Natura 2000 hatásbecslés készítése során a Natura 2000 terület jelöléséül szolgáló közösségi jelentőségű fajokra és élőhelyekre, valamint azok természetvédelmi helyzetére gyakorolt hatások becslését szükséges elvégezni. A Natura 2000 hatásbecslési dokumentáció önálló dokumentáció, nem része a környezetvédelmi engedélykérelmi dokumentációknak.

Environmental geological state surveys | Read More

Many of the human activities - mainly industrial - may contaminate soil and groundwater. Due to strict legal regulation the number of environmental pollutions decreased in the last decades. Nowadays the main tasks of environmental test and state studies are to explore long-standing contamination and extension and distribution of contaminants in case of havarias.

In the course of an environmental state study the extension, measure and composition of a possible pollution in the soil and/or groundwater is determined.

The threshold limit for each contaminant in the soil and groundwater is determined by the law. The method of sampling and measurement has significant influence on the reliability of the measurements. Generally contaminants in the soil and groundwater can be explored from bore holes. Following accredited soil and groundwater sampling the samples are delivered to an independent accredited laboratory to carry out the measurements.

The provided data are evaluated applying modelling and data evaluation softwares.

Based on the characteristics of the investigated area and the character and amount of contaminants in the soil and/or groundwater the method of remediation can be determined. Numeric hydrodynamic modelling is adequate e.g. for determination of the predicted flow velocity and flow direction of the contaminants in the groundwater.

On the basis of the results, health and environmental risks caused by the pollution are estimated. On the grounds of health and environmental risks, the remediation threshold limit for the contaminant is specified.

The result of the environmental state study is a technical intervention plan, based on the characteristics of the investigated area and the quality and quantity of contaminants in the soil and/or groundwater the method of remediation can be specified.

Environmental remediation designing and construction | Read More

The remediation method is determined by the technological intervention plan based on a state survey, characteristics of the investigated area, quantity and quality of contaminants considering threshold limits.

The environmental remediation services of SMARAGD–GSH Ltd. deal with the removal of pollution or contaminants from groundwater or the soil for the general protection of human health and the environment. The proposed soil purification services involve removal of the polluted soil or in situ methods, as well.

Generally, in situ soil purification method has lower expenses than soil removal, therefore we apply in situ methods that remove or decrease pollutant agents in the soil. In situ methods are biological disposal, aeration, stabilization and chemical bonding. When due to certain circumstances in situ soil cleaning can not be carried out, ex situ on site or off site disposal is applied.

Based on the available hydrogeological data, the first step of groundwater cleaningis the design of a hydrodynamic model. On the grounds of the results of the model the most optimal and cost efficient way of the remediation can be determined that fulfils the requirements of both the authorities (regulatory requirements) and the contracting party. For groundwater cleaning we use our own stripping tool, which we constructed.

A monitoring system ensures the continuous monitoring of the quality of groundwater and soil thus effectiveness of the remediation process can be tracked and controlled.

Operation of groundwater monitoring systems | Read More

SMARAGD-GSH Ltd. is expansively trained in engineering, licensing, construction and operation of groundwater monitoring systems that are appropriate for detecting quality and quantity changes of human or natural origin of the groundwater.

Based on the character of the observed process, a monitoring system may consist of different objects (wells, yield measuring objects, piezometers, water quality measuring tools etc.). With operation of a monitoring system, the operators shall learn the possible quantity and quality problems of the groundwater and can take the proper measures to prevent further damage.

Applying remote transmitters connected to measuring tools set in the monitoring well on-line data (e.g. groundwater level, temperature, electric conductivity) processing is available. Besides saving expenses this method allows continuous data access.

Preparing a geoinformatic (GIS) data base is as an important task as data measuring. Our experts and information devices are competent in preparing and operating GIS data bases that meet the requirements of our clients.

Data evaluation, completion of prognoses, wording measures and preparing reports based on operative law are also included in our monitoring activity.